Understanding Your Home Heating Options
When it comes to understanding your heating system, it’s important to understand there are several different methods that home heating systems use, with varying levels of energy efficiency. From air-source heat pumps to high-efficiency central heating systems, to mini-splits or gas furnaces and baseboard ductless systems. Energy-efficient home heating systems can provide both homeowner comfort and lower heating costs as seen in the lowered heating bills you may find for years to come after installation of these new efficient heating systems.
There are several options when you choose your type of heating system, with differences in fuel sources and energy savings. Your energy savings can be approximately calculated using a AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency), which takes into account all of the parts of the system, including air handlers, heat exchangers, blower motors, and more to calculate furnace energy efficiency.

Here are a few options:
- Forced-Air Heaters: Forced-air systems use a distribution system such as ductwork and vents to get the warm air distributed throughout the home.
- Furnaces: These are the most commonly used in the whole country. They’re inexpensive, easy to install, and they can last nearly 15 years. They use natural gas as a fuel source, which makes them quite cheap to operate. When looking for HVAC services in Kansas City, you should have no problem finding a contractor who does furnace installation.
- Heat Pumps: You should also consider heat pumps. Instead of burning natural gas, these heaters use electricity to transfer warmth. For example, icebergs melt because the warmth of the air is being transferred to the iceberg. Heat pumps emulate that process by using a chemical called refrigerant. They take warm air from outside your house and transfer it to the inside. This process can be reversed in the summer, too, allowing it to be an air conditioner and a heater in one.
- Geothermal Heat Pumps: The heat pump we just talked about takes heat from the air and puts it into your home. A geothermal heat pump does the same thing, but it takes that heat from the ground! Ground-source heat pumps, or geothermal heat pumps.
Even if the air outside gets close to 0°F, the temperature underneath the ground stays between 45-55°F.
This means that geothermal heat pumps can provide efficient heating no matter what time of year. They’re also rated to last nearly 50 years, making them lifelong investments.
Forced-air heaters use air to carry heat through the home. Boilers, however, circulate hot water through pipes in the floors or the walls. The heat that radiates from these pipes warms you and the objects in the room. Using a boiler feels much more like sitting next to a campfire.
Boilers are more complex than forced-air systems, however. This means they require a more complicated installation. But that’s made up for with many unique benefits:
- Energy Efficiency: They transfer heat more effectively than forced-air heaters, meaning that you’ll spend less on energy every month.
- More Even Heating: Forced-air heaters blow hot air in the room, and then that air must gradually spread to the rest of the room. Boilers do-away with this problem through radiant heating, radiant floor heating, radiators and more
- Longer Service Life: Boilers don’t have as many moving parts as forced-air heaters. You can expect them to last several years longer than furnaces, which can make them a long-term cost effective options.
From baseboard heaters, to wood stoves or pellet stoves, to oil furnaces that use heating oil or fuel oil, to electric furnaces or even solar heating and radiant heat; the heating equipment you choose to use to heat your is an important choice. You can stop relying on space heaters to maintain true comfort in your home.
To find out which heating system is right for you, contact Climate Control Heating and Cooling, Inc. today! From a new air conditioning system to repair of your furnace, We provide Comfort & Care from the Team with the Bear.