The Importance Of Bi-Annual Heat Pump Maintenance
Don’t you hate that feeling where, just as though it seems you have everything running smoothly, something else breaks down? Or bursts into flames? Or blows up? It’s a common feeling for a lot of homeowners, and we want to do our part to reduce that feeling for you as much as possible.
Of all the things you could have broken down on you during the winter season, your heat pump is probably at the top of the list of the most inconvenient ones. The best way to make sure that that doesn’t happen is to schedule maintenance for it, even if it has already received maintenance this year.

Maintaining your heat pump system (as well as cooling systems, indoor units, and outdoor units) by having a professional heat pump service can be a cost-effective way to keep your system running smoothly and keep energy consumption as low as possible, and checking off the items of your heat pump maintenance checklist can see you through the winter months.
Why Preventative Maintenance Is Important?
Look, we get it. Nobody wants to spend money and time having a professional HVAC technician come over to their homes unless they really need it. Here’s the thing, though: you do really need it. Professional heat pump maintenance identifies and resolves problems in your heat pump long before they ever develop far enough to show obvious symptoms. From blowers to compressors, condensers and condensing units to base pans, fan motors, evaporator coils, electrical wiring, and outdoor coils & indoor coils – everything in the system can benefit from having regular air filter changes and servicing, allowing for full airflow and the best air conditioning and heating performance possible.
Heat pumps that get maintenance often and consistently are up to 40% more energy efficient than systems that don’t. They’re also far less likely to develop further issues, which is what you’re primarily concerned with anyway. So, if you want to make sure that your heat pump stays in good shape for as long as possible, you should make sure it gets the maintenance it needs on a regular basis. How often should you schedule it? Well, that brings us to our next point.
Bi-Annual Heat Pump Maintenance
For most heating systems, annual maintenance is more than enough to keep them in good condition. This is because they only have one time of year when they’re under added strain. Heat pumps, though, are used for climate control throughout the year. That means that they accumulate wear and tear twice as fast as other systems, so they need maintenance twice as often. In this case, being able to act as both a heater and air conditioner is a drawback. The good news is that if you schedule maintenance twice a year, your system should be in top condition to deal with both summer and winter.
Ideally, you should be scheduling tune-ups for your system at least once every spring and fall. Even if you miss that window of opportunity for whatever reason, though, you should make sure that you schedule it as soon as you can anyway. It’s much better for your HVAC system to receive some routine maintenance later in the year than not to have it at all, especially if it needs a refrigerant charge due to leakage from buildup in the refrigerant lines. Proper maintenance can prevent the need for service calls down the road.
Making sure your home temperature reflects what you’ve set your thermostat at comes from keeping your maintenance checks, checking for refrigerant leaks, and keeping clean air filters.
Climate Control Heating and Cooling, Inc. provides a full range of heat pump maintenance services throughout Kansas City, MO. If you need to schedule maintenance for your heat pump, contact us today to schedule an appointment. We’ll make sure that you get the services you need to stay warm this winter.